Marinda Nelson
Trainer ~ Speaker ~ Coach ~ Consultant
I believe that:
~All change starts within,
then grows and expands to all of those around us
~Fear, has no place in medicine.
It is a place of hope, options and opportunity.
~Imposter syndrome, compassion fatigue, and burn out
can absolutely be eliminated
~there is no reason for western, spiritual and traditional
medicine to be separated.
~Your upgrade will not require more stress, work or time
~This transformation will be profound, but it does not need to be difficult or hard.
~As providers we are fortunate to be valuable resources for our patients and to do what we love
I A.I.M. to bring Authenticity Into Medicine
The Healer's healer. Highly Intuitive, Coach and Consultant, Marinda Nelson, brings 20+ years in the medical field and 10+ years as a spiritual practitioner and personal coach together to help HealthCare providers be the caring and compassionate providers they want to be, have the fun and fulfilling careers they desire and to develop and lead the pleasurable, prosperous and profitable practices they dream of.
"I did this work in many different roles in my medical career. I increased staff and patient satisfaction, had a great time doing it, and did it more efficiently than those around me. I left knowing I wanted more impact, I wanted to help other providers do what I had done. Also, as a bonus, the practice's bottom line seemed to improve dramatically.
What I didn't know, at the time, was how to teach what I was doing. It seemed simple and natural to me. In spiritual Practice and personal development, I upgraded and trained my natural abilities. It was there, I learned it began with core mindset and relationships upgrades that would bring the success I was having. I developed ways to teach it and now, apply it to the development and leadership of your dream practice."
"I know that 1 provider at a time, this way of practicing medicine and healing will expand. and we can improve the healthcare experience for every one involved. It starts with you. You are the ones to lead this brilliant new era in HealthCare, where individual people are now the focus"
NCLE Contact lens Certification
State of CO Phlebotomy Certification
American Heart Association Infusion Certification
Certified Ophthalmic Assistant
HIPAA compliance
Master level reiki
Certified Facilitator Warrior Goddess Training
Shamanic journey practitioner
Energetic healer
Accomplishments/ Results
- Developed team and protocol to add Premium Refractive Cataract Surgeries. Resulted in an additional $180,000 for practice (1st revenue cycle), while increasing overall surgery cases by 30% and decreasing provider stress.
- Process improvement and increase in team cohesiveness resulted in rebilling, with a previously missing modifier for the professional component of interpreting testing results, which resulted in an additional $250,000 revenue.
- Doubled Contact lens department revenue in less than 1 year and maintained an upward trajectory, with less work for providers, while increasing patient satisfaction and staff morale.
- personally was #1 recruiter and retention on multiple ophthalmology and movement disorder clinical research studies
- ... and many more...
Prepared Presentations /Work Shops include
-The Three Core Concepts Required to Develop and Lead Your Dream Practice * KeyNote
- Expand Beyond Imposter Syndrome to l Confidently and Comfortably Excel in Your Dream Position
- Expand Beyond BurnOut to Be the Caring and Compassionate Provider You Want To Be
- Expand Beyond Boss B*tch to Empower and Unify Your Team's Momentum Toward Your Vision with More Fun and Rapid Results
- Expand Beyond Sales Pitches to Confidently and Comfortably Offer Your Premium Services
Back Ground
Marinda grew up near a small town in rural Wisconsin. She spent many days in the doctors office struggling with severe asthma, allergies and Dyshidrotic eczema. They were unable to find any sustainable relief for her conditions until she was 15.
Her career in the medical field began as a surgery coordinator in an ophthalmology office in Colorado in her early 20's. Over the course of her career, she held titles from front desk to provider.
She left the medical field to pursue personal development, develop her natural intuitive gifts and begin her Spiritual healing and authenticity/confidence coaching practice.
She has been the patient, staff and a provider. Spiral Coaching and Consulting is a blend of all of her studies and experiences.
Photo by Adjanys Morero